Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Its been a while. Life's been pretty normal lately. This and that did happen, but they were all small. I'm still missing my grandmother. After a few months, i still cannot get over the fact that i'm never able to talk to her again.

Well, i guess it's no use harping over something which i have no control at all.

Yesterday, Eileen was telling me, she had a very bad 18th birthday. I asked her why, and her answer shocked the crap out of me. Okay i'm not gonna write it here, but i was traumatized after hearing it. I mean, how can a person with a mind do this. Okay maybe he's insane, BUT that does not escape the fact that she was not treated rightly. During this short period of knowing Eileen, my conclusion is, she's been very unlucky, i'm kinda sad about it. I mean, why must someone so sweet be treated like that. On another note, I LOVE talking to her =D I think she's super sweet.

Okay i really don't know what else to say.

Till i ORD

ching chao teh~


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