Thursday, February 19, 2009

looking up to someone

I hate the fact that everybody's ORD-ing and i'm not. I hate the fact that i'm 21 and am liable for everything, including a trial and jail term. There are too many things i hate in this world. However, meeting people from all walks of life made me realize a lot of things. The fact that i hate seeing people ORD earlier than me is stupid, because we all serve the same amount of period. Being liable for everything makes me a more cautious person.

Just 5mins ago, i was talking to a good friend of mine who has already ORD-ed. He might be crappy and lame at times, but i think he's a great person, someone who is worth respecting.

This friend of mine, he might be rich, but is way too humble to admit it, which i personally think is a wonderful virtue. A smart person with a smart mouth who knows what to do and not to.

The reason behind me talking about this friend is because, after knowing him for a year plus, I get to know how to be a better person. His attitude as an RJC student is commendable. He does not harp on minutes matters like, having a girlfriend or having the latest phone, but is always looking for new ways to improve himself.

I, for that matter still look into stupid and time wasting problems which is totally regrettable.

Looking back, i found too many things which i need to learn to let go. The girl, whom i've always cared about, and a bunch of other stuff.

A little by little, i must try...~


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